Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hatfield #2's Name

     After going through many names we have finally determined the name for our sweet baby girl. Her name is going to be Eliza Joy. Which means "My God is a vow of Joy." The meaning helped finalize our decision. So both our girls name will mean "My God is a vow." Isabella's name means "My God is a vow of good will." These babies are truly a blessing from God. 
     We hope we can raise them to live up to their name meanings. This process is made so much easier by such loving friends and family. Without all of your support we would never be able to accomplish this.  Thank you to everyone for your love and support. 

Monday, July 30, 2012

We pleased to announce...

That our lives are going to be filled with even more Sugar & Spice & everything nice.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Gender Reveal

We are thrilled to be adding to our little family.

  Originally we wanted to have a gender reveal party, but due to scheduling conflicts we are going a different route. We will be announcing the babies gender on here Monday at 8:30, fingers crossed. This will happen if the little one cooperates Monday morning.

Isabella's vote is for a sister. What do you think? Feel free to vote in our poll of what the baby will be.